Does stretching really increases your height?, I tried and here are the results
I was also wondering if stretching helps you increase your height. I searched over the Internet on YouTube a lot. To be called the professional, Internet just told that it is not possible, It simply said no, it was a bit demotivating but one day sitting ideally I thought why not to try out myself. So what if I fail but I actually started wondering this I decided to give it a shot and here's my journey.
There are a lot of factors defining your height one of the main is your genetics and talking about mine, I have decent enough genetic. The day I started I was at 173 centimeters. I started doing that task, I pushed my body to its limits.
I ate dry fruits, 3–4 bananas with 1–2 glasses of milk with ashwagandha, and used jaggery powder as sugar. Also, increase my calorie intake for those days.
I did dead hangs, up down, Cow dog pose, leg stretching, cobra pose and most important 500 to 1000 jumps. I know it is too much but I wanted to experiment so I did everything to get results. Gone out as fast as it could.
I'm very very good at sleeping I usually have 1–2 hours of deep sleep and this body rest really increases my metabolism. I ate very light for dinner so that my body does not waste much energy digesting the food that I ate.
Now for the time of results, the first day I was at an extreme level and So what the result. I was 173.75 centimeters by the next morning.
Yes in my case stretching daily did increase my height currently. I'm doing for some and by next April I would update you with my 6-month progress.
Try the same with doctor Murphy and the progress will be much greater dimension the same in his book the power of your subconscious mind here is a link to check it out for better results.